
Has Election Fraud Occurred In Ohio?

Absolutely, without a doubt, election fraud has occurred in Ohio. The archive of official election results for the 2008 presidential election, available here from the Ohio Secretary of State website (and also here on this site), confirms this fact.  A general rule of thumb is that turnout greater than 80% is an indicator of election fraud. In this 2008 election, 2145 precincts reported greater than 80% turnout. 394 precincts reported more than 90% turnout. A stunning 104 precincts reported more ballots cast than registered voters.

Yet, 13 county boards of election and then Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner certified these results. Because it was a presential election the Governor, President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives also approved these results before they were passed to Congress.  How could such blatant fraud go undetected by all of these officials with legal responsibility for ensuring accurate and fair elections?

Ohio Voters Registered at The UPS Store

The Ohio Revised Code, ORC 3503.02(A), defines a residence for the purposes of voter registration as the place “in which the person’s habitation is fixed and to which, whenever the person is absent, the person has the intention of returning.”  The EOM, Chapter 4, page 77, directs that “a person cannot list a post office box or a commercial mail store as their residence for voting purposes.” It further directs county boards of election to regularly review the eligibility of any elector whose voter registration address is an address of a rented postal box and to program their voter registration systems to flag the use of these types of addresses, although this is contrary to the plain reading of the ORC.

The Secretary of State’s office was made aware of voters registered at The UPS Store in March 2022. Since then, a more extensive list of The UPS Store locations was compiled revealing additional registrants at these addresses.  62 of the voters that were reported to the SoS remain in the voter registration database as of 6/11/22.

The statewide voter file downloaded on 6/11/22 was screened against a list of The UPS Store addresses obtained from  294 persons were identified as registered at The UPS Store addresses. 203 of these persons are registered at locations in strip malls or stand-alone, single-story, commercial buildings.  The remaining 91 possibly live in apartments above a The UPS Store location; however, because the street address matches further investigation is required to verify whether those are legitimate registrations.  146 of these individuals voted in the November 2020 Presidential election, 22 voted in the November 2021 general election, and 29 voted in the May 2022 primary election. The table below summarizes The UPS Store registrations and voters by county. Click here to see all voters registered at the UPS Store.

CountyNumber of
The UPS Store
Number of
Nov 2020 Voters
Number of
Nov 2021 Voters
Number of
May 2022 Voters
Allen52 1
Lake207 2
Richland22 1
Grand Total2941462229

The Carter-Baker Report has been disappeared from the web

In 2005, the Commission on Federal Election Reform, lead by former President Jimmy Carter and James A. Baker, issued a report of the commission’s findings entitled “Building Confidence in U.S. Elections.” Among the many findings is a warning about the vulnerability of mailed-in ballots. Mysteriously, an internet search no longer produces a copy of the report. Instead you will find a number of recent (post Nov 2020) rebuttals to the report. Fortunately, Ohio Votes Count has a copy of the original report that you can download and view.

Ohio Voters with Punctuation Mark Names

In March we identified the following voters whose names consist of only punctuation marks. They remain in the statewide voter registration database as of 6/11/22.

As a best practice, we believe that names in the voter registration database should be full formal names that exactly match names in the driver license/BMV database or comparable source for legal formal names. Nicknames should not be allowed lest duplicate registrations such as Bob Smith, Rob Smith, Robert Smith, Bobby Smith, ect. might get missed in screens for duplicates. We encourage the SoS to issue a directive to this effect.

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Lucas County BOE Blames Vendor for Ballot Screw-Up

Election technology has become so complex that county Boards of Election can’t verify whether ballots are correct. All voting systems must be verified prior to election day.


Lucas County mixup
In Lucas County, WTOL-TV in Toledo was reporting polling locations were having issues with voting machines earlier this morning. GOP voters were only seeing Democrat candidates on their ballot, and Democrat voters were only seeing GOP candidates. The Lucas County Board of Elections released a statement on Twitter blaming a vendor error that resulted in the printing of incorrect barcodes on ballot cards. The board said that poll workers were made aware of the issue and followed correct backup procedures.

The Ohio Revised Code, Section 3505.14 Printed proofs of ballot states the following:

After the letting of the contract for the printing of the ballots as provided in section 3505.13 of the Revised Code, the board of elections shall secure from the printer printed proofs of the ballot, and shall notify the chairman of the local executive committee of each party or group represented on the ballot by candidates or issues, and post such proofs in a public place in the office of the board for a period of at least twenty-four hours for inspection and correction of any errors appearing thereon. The board shall cause such proofs to be read with care and after correcting any errors shall return the corrected copy to the printer.

The Secretary of State’s Election Official Manual specifies the following procedure for checking ballots:

Each board of elections must thoroughly and promptly check every detail of its ballots upon creation of the ballot and prior to submitting the ballot files to the printer to be produced. The board must also proof the ballot upon receiving any ballot layouts or proofs from the vendor, including the accessible ballot each board must provide upon receipt of a properly completed application.
At a minimum, the director and deputy director, or a bipartisan team of board employees they designate, must proofread every candidate contest and ballot question or issue for every ballot style.

If the county Board of Elections and board workers are unable to thoroughly proof the ballot because of the use of technology it’s just another opportunity for a nefarious actor to leverage.

Cuyahoga County E-Poll Books Malfunction

According to SOS Frank LaRose, “This is exactly the kind of hiccup brought on by a compressed timeline.” It is also, exactly the kind of hiccup that allows voter rolls to be secretly modified on election day. The technology has become too difficult for election workers to reliably operate.

The Status of Ohio’s Voter Rolls

What is the current state of Ohio’s voter rolls? How well are Ohio’s current Secretary of State, Frank LaRose (who, by the way, is currently up for re-election in 2022) and our county Boards of Election maintaining our voter rolls?

The short answer to these questions is “NOT VERY WELL”. OVC’s analysis of Ohio’s statewide voter registration database reveals many issues and potential problems. As you review the issues below ask: would you tolerate these kinds of issues from your bank, credit card company, or any company you do business with. Isn’t your vote just as important?

OVC reached out to the SoS office in February 2022 and offered our assistance to verify and review our findings with them. To date, despite several inquiries from OVC, the SoS office has been unable to arrange time for a detailed review.

Here is a summary of the issues we identified in our March 2022 report based on the Nov 2021 voter rolls:

NO AUDIT – Apparently, the SOS has not conducted the annual audit required by ORC 3503.15(D)(5) for several years.
• 11,333 records with unallowed characters in the last name. 156 records with unallowed characters in the first name. 417 instances of unallowed characters in the middle name.
• Nov 2020 voters include “CY .”, “. SUNDANCE”, “. DOC” and several similar.
• 2,487 incidents of non-alphabetic characters in name fields, many with apostrophe or dash, but several with numbers. “7 SIMOVART”, “12255110 12255110”, and, “Gregory A 9801033” voted in Nov 2020.
• Abnormal Names/Likely Data Entry Errors – 73 unusually short names, 321 names with no vowels. E.g., “David Brian H”, “SIR L”, “Kalpana KB”, “Ritesh KC”, “Joan M”, “DAVID L S”, “Trisha A X”, “Gemini X” are all Nov 2020 voters.
• 342 records with invalid birth dates (either 1/1/1800 or 1/1/1900)
• 20 Nov 2020 voters who are 115-122 years old
• 277,625 voter registrations on 1/1 – a holiday when offices are closed (251,000 voted in Nov 2020)
• 358 voter registrations on Dec 25 (250 voted in Nov 2020 and 23 of those registered on 12/25/20 after the election.)
• 3,232 voter registrations on July 4 (2446 voted in Nov 2020)
• 223 voters registered prior to being born (171 voted in Nov 2020)
• 796 voters with a birth date on or before 1/1/1900 (127 voted Nov 2020)
• 63,664 invalid registration dates (59,533 voted Nov 2020)
• 253 voters registered prior to 11/3/2020 but are 18 after 11/3/2020
• 114 voters registered prior to 11/2/2021, but are 18 after 11/2/2021
• 3,730 voters registered prior to their 17th birthday (2554 voted 11/3/2020)
• 5 persons voted before they were born
• 724 persons voted in a general election before their 18th birthday
• 4,970 records have unallowed characters in the street address
• 19,738 records use unallowed secondary indicators in the address
• 112,408 records us non-standard highway designations
• 4 records have invalid zip codes and addresses
• 162 voters have an address at a UPS Store
• Double <space> characters in many addresses disguise potential duplicate records.
14,268 records are potential duplicate and 293 potential triplicate registrations
• 13,888 voter registrations have matching death records
• 9,624 voter registrations with matching death records have ACTIVE status
• 123 voter registrations with date of death prior to 10/4/20 voted in the Nov 2020 Presidential election.
• 15 voter registrations with date of death prior to 10/3/21 voted in the Nov 2021 general election.
• 80,012 Nov 2020 voters’ status changed to CONFIRMATION after the election (23,706 were newly registered in 2020). Why would so many active voters, newly registered voters so quickly become questionable registrations?


Missing records (county 11/27/21 data and SOS 11/27/21 data)

CountyNumber of Voters in County but
not in SOS SWVF
Number of Voters in SOS SWVF but
not in County

Consistency of Names, Dates, Status, and Voting History Between County and State Databases

Franklin County

• 11 records have different last names,
• 9 have different first names,
• 9 have different middle names,
• 1 has different birth year,
• 41,913 had different registrations dates,
• 7819 have different voting history for Nov 2020, and
• 2081 records disagree on whether the voter is ACTIVE or in CONFIRMATION status.
Cuyahoga County

• 4 records are missing a value for SOS_VOTERID,
• 311 records have different last names,
• 100 have different first names,
• 812 have different middle names,
• 17 have different birth year
• 8,470 had different registrations dates,
• 4,186 have different voting history for Nov 2020, and
• 3,389 records disagree on whether the voter is ACTIVE or in CONFIRMATION status
Lorain County

• 70 records have different last names,
• 5 records had different first names,
• 41 records had different middle names,
• 2 records had different birth dates,
• 1921 records had different voting history the Nov 2020, and
• 110 records disagree on whether the voter is ACTIVE or in CONFIRMATION status.
Mahoning County

• Nov 2020 voting history did not agree for 2391 records
Stark County

• Nov 2020 voting history did not agree for 2391 records
Lucas County

• Two records have different names, and
• 1237 records have different voting history for Nov 2020.
Summit County

• 2,835 records have different voting history for the Nov 2020 election.
Warren County

• 83 records have different voting history for the Nov 2020 election.
Delaware County

• 3,364 records have different voting history for the Nov 2020 election
Montgomery County

• 3,522 records have different voting history for the Nov 2020 election.
• Two records in the county file are missing a SOS_VOTERID value

2000 Mules

The following link will take you to Dinesh D’Souza’s website where you can rent the movie or donate $50.00 to his work and own the movie. This movie is beyond compelling and will make everyone who watches it seriously concerned about the integrity of OUR Elections in the United States of America.

YOU can even HOST a 2000 Mules watch party! Enjoy and try not to get to mad at what this administration did to US!